sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013


You are going to do a recipe.

It is important to know...

This crossword is for you, click here!!!

Here you have some examples, click on them to see them bigger.

And here you have a worksheet to help you, it is for a sandwich, but of course, you can change it and add what you want.

The weather.

You are going to be a weather forecast. You are going to do a role play where you must give information about the weather for tomorrow.

For that you must know some information about the weather, please check this page for information.

Here are some words related to the weather.You must use two of this in your role-play. 
Click in the sun and do the exercise.

Here you are some maps, click on them to see the image bigger. If you prefer you can invent yours.

Here you have an example

The lion king

Listen the music!!!

Click Simba and fill the gaps!!

And now sing!!

Do you want to paint the Lion King?